99_雑記 miscellaneous notes 疫学研究に用いられている盲検化の効果はどのくらいですか?(MetaBLIND研究; メタ疫学研究; BMJ2020) Impact of blinding on estimated treatment effects in randomised clinical trials: meta-epidemiological studyBMJ 2020; 368... 2020.01.23 99_雑記 miscellaneous notes
薬剤師の未来に幸あれ May pharmacist be happy in the future 薬剤師の介入により心血管リスクを減らせますか?(SR&MA; Br J Clin Pharmacol.2019) Impact of the Pharmacist-Led Intervention on the Control of Medical Cardiovascular Risk Factors for the Primary Preventi... 2020.01.23 薬剤師の未来に幸あれ May pharmacist be happy in the future